Hello, I am analyst of System/Programmer in Brazil and am having ideas of a Software type what you they had made, only that + specific. I call it Monitor of Produtividade Personal (MPP). That it would use all the Virtual concepts that you used Scenarios/Desktops type with the purpose to monitor and to register the activities of who has that the challenge to deal with some projects
Simultaneously. Below I related some requirements/ideas the level of Software and Data. He would like to change ideas. Requirements of Software 1) To twirl from the PenDrive 2) To twirl Second in Plan (Icone to the side of the Hour) 3) To opening Software to select PDCA>Demand Hanging or To open New Demand (in this case having the option to request the data of the Demand only in the Closing) 4) In case that the computer is + of 5 minutes without ativadade in the Active Demand, to question if this time must be computed as idle (Msg: “Without activity since 99:99 (99 Minutes). To launch this time as idle? ”) 5) Option of fast access to insert commentaries in the daily one of the Demand in execution: On-Top window with Deep Yellow Clearly divided in Two parts: The right the Feedbacks and the left the Daily one. 6) In the Closing of the Daily one to question/To confirm: It dates/Final Initial Hour/, PRODUCTIVITY, Commentary, Time of Pause. 7) In case that the time of Activity (- pause time) in the current Demand pass of 40 Minutes, to question to form not to interrupt of the current work (To use “Balloon of Mgs”): “+ 40 Minutes. It desires To modify of Demand? ”: 1) Now; 2) After 5 Minutes; 3) Not) 8) Option of fast access to divide Demand in current execution in n Demands Children with option fast Default of the field Description (It pulls description of the Demand Father). 9) Option of fast access to activate “Time of Pause” 10) Option of fast To alternate between “Demands in Execution” and if possible access to associate each demand in execution with the “windows relaciondas” - Species of “Area of Work for Demand”. (ALT+1, ALT+2,…) - > Idea 1: - > ALT+F? - > alternating Project with all the Desktops Virtual - > ALT+N - > Change Virtual Desktop of the Project - > Left Button of the Mouse on the Icone to the side of the Hour: To move of Demand (Menu: 1o. Active, 2o. Not Active With + Priority) - To Change Demand the Previous one will be Closed automatically. But when commuting of Project he is not closed and yes
suspended. 11) To command/To detach the PDCAs/Demands (Reduced Description of the Request) of + Priority with the respective Situation “Description of the Situation” 12) Parametrizar the Times (Item 4, Item 7) 13) Option computer automatically To change it to the End of Demand of the settled Time. 14) To Alterar Situation of the Demand: 1) Description of the Situation 2) PRODUCTIVITY 3) Commentaries/Solutions 15) Automatically to bring up to date the TOTAL TIMES of the Feedbacks to each minute 16) It only can have an active Demand for Time! 17) To use field to autocomplete when possible in Commentaries/Solutions, Who questions, Description, etc. 18) Option To program Reminder for “determined Execution of Demand” in Hourly. 19) Option To import the Feedbacks/new demands generated for
other users - > Idea 1: To filter for “the Responsible” field 20) To visualize data of the Demand (Reduced Description, Commentaries/Solutions in the style of the Commentary of the Excel - only passing mouse) 21) To use “Virtual Desktop” for the Demands in Execution. With option to select Window (s) shared between all the Desktops. Each desktop virtual it can be shared by + of 1 Demand () 22) Sheduled - > Idea 1: It dates, Hour, Description of the Sheduled, () 23) Invoicing/Control of Credits to receive 24) Shortcut to have access the Hanging Demands 25) Option to visualize the Daily one of definitive Demand 26) To integrate with MSN/Hotmail 27) 2 Levels of commutation between the Demands: Level of Project (ALT+F1, ALT+F2,…) ? > Demand (ALT+1, ALT+2,….) 28) To have option to open “Virtual Desktop” without being associated to no Demand/Project 29) Option for Preview of the Projects/Demands 30) Option for Transforms a Feedback into a Demand 31) Option To select the Demand for the "Who questions" 32) Option to show acknowledgments of time in time (Former Pause to each 40Min) ******************************************************************************************* Requirements of Data: 1) Guided the Demand inside of a Project. 2) Example of Functions to be monitored: ADM BO, Controller 3) Demand: Description of the Request (m) Reduced description of the Request (C (50)) Nature (Adm, Ref, Bug, Est, Chk) Complexity (C (2): TO It to define, B-Low, M-Average, The-High, U-Up/D-Down/E-Steady) "Who questions" (C (40)) Situation (The-Opening, P-Pendant, F-Finish, C-Cancel, And-In Execution, S-Suspended) Used time TOTAL (Opening + Execution) (Mínutos) (N (4)) Time Used TOTAL in Opening (Minutes) (N (4)) Time Used TOTAL in Execution (Mínutes) (N (4)) TOTAL Idle time (Minutes) (N (4)) Time Used with TOTAL Monitor (Minutes) (N (4)) Band of Time Esteem (In. Hours Minimum (N (5,2)) /Hora Maximum (N (5,2))) Priority (B-Low, M-Average, The-High) Description of the Situation (m) Daily Feedbacks Demands Children () Responsible ID (C (6)) Scene Sheduled p Execution (Frequency) Frequency (Daily (Hour of Beginning (Teams), To Each n Days (N (3))), Weekly (Hour of Beginning (Teams), To each n Week, Days of Week N (1)), Monthly (Hour of Beginning (Teams), To each n Months N (3), Order N (1), Day of Selected week N (1), Months C (12)), A Time (Hour of Beginning (Teams), To execute in (It dates)), Idle Qdo (Idle for n Minutes N (3)) 4) Project: Name C (40) It dates Opening (d) It dates Closing (d) Value Hour (y) Situation (P-Pendant, F-Finish, C-Cancel, And-In Execution) Demands 5) Daily: Demand It dates/Initial Hour (DateTime) It dates/Final Hour (DateTime) Initial situation of the Demand (P-Pendant, F-Finish, C-Cancel, And-In Execution) Final situation of the Demand (P-Pendant, F-Finish, C-Cancel, And-In Execution) PRODUCTIVITY C (2) (B-Low, M-Average, The-High, U-Up/D-Down/E-Steady) Commentaries/Solutions (m) Idle time Second (N (6)) Time Used with Monitor (N (6)) Time in Execution (N (6)) Asset? (Y-Yes, N-Não) Feedbacks Worked (Feedback, Comments (m)) 6) Feedback: Demand It dates/Hour of Reception (DateTime) Commentaries/Solutions (m) Situation (P-Pendant, T-Treat) Nature (Ref, Bug, Est, Chk) Complexity (c (2): B-Low, M-Average, The-High, U-Up/D-Down/E-Steady) "Who questions" (C (40)) Details of the Situation (m) 7) Responsible: Name (C (50)) Function (C (30)) 8) Scene Desktop´s Virtual (Windows) Desktop´s (Windows) PS. My English is + technician therefore used the translator of the Google.