From Arvind: "I like everything, but my IE window gets killed after a couple of seconds, presumably if I am not on the virtual desktop where it is."
First, we have to explain how virtual desktops work. When Virtual Desktop Toolbox displays a virtual desktop, it shows all windows belonging to this virtual desktop and hides the other ones. Non virtual desktops are not managed in this way (non virtual desktops are real desktops, so no window needs to be hidden. NT/2000/XP include special functions to manage non virtual desktops).
When you run Internet Explorer in virtual desktop 1 and then switch to virtual desktop 2, the Internet Explorer window is hidden. If you then run in virtual desktop 2 a new instance of Internet Explorer or if you execute a program that displays a web page (through an activeX component for example), Internet Explorer checks for an existing instance of itself; if this instance exists (yes, in virtual desktop 1) and if the window is hidden (yes), then Internet Explorer uses the existing instance instead of creating a new one.
This is an internal behaviour of Internet Explorer and is not due to Virtual Desktop Toolbox. If you want to keep an existing instance of Internet Explorer running in a desktop, use a non virtual desktop to run IE.
We will contact Microsoft to have more information about this (strange!) behaviour and we will post information here when available.
The problem is coming from IE itself. When a IE window loads the Java runtime, all existing hidden (Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer) windows are first destroyed. This is an internal behaviour of IE that cannot be changed.
I'm currently working on a workaround, that will be available in the next release. Please download VDT 2.52.2 (or more) when available.