I would like to be able to move an open application to another desktop without having to close and then re-open. Is this possible either from one virtual desktop to another or even from one non-virtual desktop to another?
Non virtual desktops are a system implementation and virtual desktops are a software implementation.
This means that non virtual desktops (that we call desktops in VDT) depend on the functions published by the system; unfortunately, the system links a program to a desktop when the program is executed and you cannot change it dynamically. So, using VDT or any other program that uses these functions, you cannot dynamically move a program from one non virtual desktop to another.
Virtual desktops are a software implentation (VDT hides/shows windows depending on the virtual desktop they belong to), so we can do everything we want; provided that we develop it! Using VDT, you can dynamically move a program from one virtual desktop to another and there is many ways to do it. You can use the Desktops Explorer (drag a program and drop it to the target virtual desktop). You can use too the switch popup. Go there for more information http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=38157&subForumID=78042&action=viewTopic&commentID=1187043&topicPage=0