The recent fix for the loosing the apps on the virtual desktop after coming back in after an idle time with a screen saver displayed didn't quite clear up the whole problem.
Some apps do appear after clearing the screen saver but others are "lost" into the ether (background). You can see them with the task manager processes view but not the application view nor in the Desktops Explorer.
When you exit from Desktop Explorer the applications are still "lost".
Starting VDT again brings all the applications, including the "lost" ones back to the default desktop.
By default, the Tasks Manager displays all windows on the desktop, but the Desktops Explorer displays only windows that have an entry (a button) in the Windows taskbar (top-level windows). So some applications may not appear in the Desktops Explorer; this is by design.
The windows you are talking about are probably background windows (for example PostIt windows); you must define this kind of applications by running the registry editor. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\R2d2KernelAuthori ty\Parameters key and edit the PopupPrograms value; add to the list the name of the program that displays these windows (for example I added StickyNotes.exe to use my PostIt software). An easiest way to define these windows is to create a rule, either in computer properties (the windows will be added to all virtual desktops) or in virtual desktop properties (the windows will be added to this virtual desktop).
The question is: when you're currently on a virtual desktop, what must I do when a new window appears? I cannot simply add the window to the current virtual desktop because of all these applications that display popup windows (email notification, antivirus, progress bars, ...). So I have to make choices, that unfortunately cannot be always good. I'm currently reviewing this process of choosing what mut be added or not to the virtual desktop.
If the process above doesn't work or if I didn't understand the problem: When you say "lost into the background", does this mean that you cannot see the windows (hidden) or that they aren't displayed in the Desktops Explorer? Do you have the same problem when you switch out and back to the virtual desktop? Can you give me a download link to these applications so I can make some tests? Are they something like these Postit applications that display a window on the background?
I've downloaded and installed 2.510 and I still had an occurence of the desktop windows being removed from the virtual desktop.
It occurred after I had left the machine for a period of time, at least 15 minutes. When I came back and logged in again (moved the mouse and got the password dialog) the screen saver clears, the screen "bounces" a bit, and all there are no application windows open on the VDT. They all remain on the Default Desktop but they're gone from the VDT.
If you just let the screen saver come up then clear it off there I haven't seen a problem. The problem only seems to occur after an extended period under the screen saver. I'm wondering if it has something to do with a refresh of the application list for the VDT occurring while the screen saver (My Picture Show) is displayed?
Also, when this happened I had one application, the UPS Worldship application for shipping items by UPS, that didn't appear in the Desktop Explorer, even on the Default Desktop though it was visible on the Default Desktop and in the Task Manager.
Well, it is really strange Sorry for the inconvenience
Did you open all the windows while in the virtual desktop or did you open them in default desktop, and then add them to the virtual desktop using the Desktops Explorer? Do you lose all windows, even windows from applications like notepad or calculator?
What happens if you switch to the default desktop, and then back to the virtual desktop before the screen saver is displayed? Are all your windows here?
If there somewhere I can download a evaluation version of the UPS application?
>> Well, it is really strange Sorry for the inconvenience
No problem. I've downloaded the special version. Is there anything there that you specifically want time to watch or report upon or is it just some best guess changes. (Been there, done that, done that, done that.....)
I think I might need to clear up something. When I've mentioned applications disappearing from the Task Manager that is the Windows Task Manager, not the Tasks Manager within VDT.
Two problems: 1) Windows/applications removed from the virtual desktop. 2) Windows/applications disappear from within VDT.
On case 1 the windows are just gone from the VD but are on the default desktop.
On case 2 the windows are no longer anywhere in in VDT, virtual or default desktop. The don't appear in the application section of the Windows Task Manager but they do appear in the Processes tab. I haven't checked using VDT's Tasks Manager because I really haven't used it and forgot all about it.
>>Did you open all the windows while in the virtual desktop or did you open them in default >>desktop, and then add them to the virtual desktop using the Desktops Explorer?
Opened on the VD named Internet.
>>Do you lose all windows, even windows from applications like notepad or calculator?
I haven't been using notepad or calculator, too primitive, but, yes, I would say that those applications along with all the applications that I had open on the VD Internet were gone or would have been. From the last time this occured I can remember the application list went something like this:
The Bat! Microsoft Access Maxthon (browser) Dazzle (a postage application) UPS Worldship (a freight application) A couple of Windows File Explorer windows. and I think a couple more standard applications.
This is my typlical application set on the Internet VD. I've been working so much with these that I haven't been using the other VDs that I have set up.
>>What happens if you switch to the default desktop, and then back to the virtual desktop >>before the screen saver is displayed? Are all your windows here?
I'll see.
Let me know if you have a refesh time period or something that may be time triggered. As I mentioned, this doesn't reproduce if you just set allow the screen saver to come up then quickly clear it. It requires a significant period of time with the screen saver up. (Such as when I make a trip downtown, go out an pack orders, eat a meal, etc) >> If there somewhere I can download a evaluation version of the UPS application?
No. But then the problem hasn't been limited to particular apps. It's a general problem. As I mentioned I've also seen the behavior in M$ applications such as Word and Excel. The Bat! is the email tool I use and I've seen it occur there along with Maxthon, a browser. Both of these products can be downloaded.
>> Thank you for your help and your patience
No problem! VDT is a great product and I'm glad to help you and ME!
Concerning the special version, just install and let me know if you still have the problem.
I don't have any refresh period. When the screen saver is started, I just consider that you switched out the virtual desktop and I try to update the virtual desktop's content list with all visible windows. What is strange in your case is that it seems that VDT fails in listing these windows (and I cannot reproduce the problem!). What I did in the special version is that I removed this content update.
Just thought I'd let you know that so far today I didn't have any problems on the customized version with the windows being removed from the virtual desktop. A few times I was away from the computer for 15-30 minutes and we were also out in the hills for a walk for a bit over a half an hour.
From your description of when you take the snapshot of open windows on a virtual desktop I don't see what difference the time delay makes however I have never been able to reproduce the problem with just a quick up and down of the screen saver.
However, since I'm currently not seeing the problem it does appear to be some kind of timing relationship.
I don't shut my desktop down since I'm always in the middle of something which is why I use a password protection with my screen saver. This morning when I came back to it and cleared the screen saver all my windows were there.
Actually I had shut down the windows before I went to bed but came back and opened a bunch of typical applications just to let them sit over night.
Also, I haven't updated the notebook beyond the 2.51 version and when I brought it back from hibernation the application windows were removed from the virtual desktop. I've just updated the notebook to the test version and we'll see where it goes from there.
We went up into the mountains to escape the heat and catch some of the spring flowers. We came back and had dinner. When I went to the machine after this several hours absence everything was fine.
While I was working I needed to use Dreamweaver so I went to my "Hana" virtual desktop. I started Dreamweaver and made some edits to a file. I did a copy and paste of some text then went back to my "Internet" virtual desktop to upload the edits to the web.
Poof! All the open windows were gone from the "Internet" VD. I went back to the "Hana" VD and Dreamweaver was gone!
They were all on the Default Desktop. This was the first time I'd switched between virtual desktops all day and I don't think that I'd been to the default desktop. (I wouldn't normally ever go there when I'm using virtual desktops.)
I "copied" the windows back to their virtual desktop and switched back and forth without any problems.
The applications running on "Internet" were a variaty of applications, as always, including MS Access, 2 Window's File Explorers, The Bat! Onfolio Deskbar, Maxthon, NoteStudio, a help Window (using the standard Window's HTML Help System Control) and several other applications.
I checked your log file but all the messages are before 6pm, around 2-3 pm, and nothing is fresh.
(Incidently, there is an error message "SendDeskVDRules2Server" failed and returned: Feature not supported by the desktop (0x200000021) )
Please go to the computer's properties (right-click the VDT icon in the notification area menu, then Settings and then Computer (; the "Automatically add visible windows to current virtual desktop" box must be checked.
When a window is statically added to a virtual desktop (using the Desktops Explorer or something else), it is easy for VDT to display it or not.
The problem is when a new window (program) is created while staying in a virtual desktop. Either I consider that this window must belong to the virtual desktop (if the option is checked) or not (the option is unchecked); when the option is unchecked, the window will be hidden when switching out and back.
OK then. I guess I owe you a big sorry about that.
When I began using VDT it seemed the option would automatically add windows opened onto a virtual desktop to the autorun feature so I probably turned it off. I've looked for documenation but I didn't find any that made the option's purpose clear. (I'm not sure why I would want application windows automatically removed from a VD on switching between VDs or on screen savers, etc, (obviously but I'm sure there are some that appreciate the feature.)
And I haven't seen the problem with applications/windows (Dreamweaver, MS Access) disappearing from VDT. Not moving from the virtual desktop but disappearing entirely from VDT. They were still viewable in the Window's Task Manager but not in VDT. I saw this problem only once under 2.51 and I haven't seen it since.
---I guess I owe you a big sorry about that--- No problem, you're welcome. I'm always learning from users and there really was a problem that I corrected; so you helped me