I'm using a non-virtual desktop with impersonation to an other user with Explorer as shell (basically I'm running a second session with another user connected...).
I experience and "Acces denied" message whenever I try to acces CD-ROM with the impersonated session.
I'd like to get rid of this right issue, any help appreciated !
Can you give me your OS version and SP? Are you working on a corporate network with GPOs enabled?
Normally, you should have the same behaviour than when logging on to Windows with that user. What happens when you open a Windows session (without going through VDT) with the second user and try to access to the CD-ROM)?
Well, I have to look for a similar configuration and make a few tests. I noted your request and I will let this thread opened; I however need a little time.
How do you run the Explorer in the impersonated session? Are you using the "Desktop's default user" option or the "Other user" option (in the top list)?