I have updated from version 2.70.6 to 2.71 and noticed that some applications would not remain visible on the virtual desktop if the screen saver was activated or if I changed to another virtual desktop and came back to the original virtual desktop.
The task manager indicates the application running but in hidden mode.
Downgraded back to 2.70.6, no problems.
One of the application is "who's in" from Hudson Software.
I effectively changed the show/hide process, so I will have a look; I probably missed something.
Can you however give me a few more information; I downloaded the Who software (whosin-2006-03a), but I cannot reproduce your problem (either with the Admin component or the User component). These applications look like standard Windows application, with a single window; do you have the pin in the caption? Do you have the VDT option in the system menu?
Is there another application that I can download and that has the same problem?
What is your OS and SP? When did you download VDT 2.71?
The other bit of software I had problem with is not downloadable, it is a document management system (dataworks).
The revision of who's in may be relevant as the one we are using is quite old. Whoisin2000, build date 20010623.
As you can appreciate, I have reloaded the previous version and can't confirm this, but I believe that Firefox was doing the same thing, not 100% sure.
Well, I'm puzzled. I downloaded Firefox and once again I cannot reproduce the problem. Do you agree with making some tests using a debug version? This debug version will produce a debug file that will give me more information...
Also, I am running 2 monitors on my laptop (the laptop panel and an external monitor) on a docking station. When I first upgraded to 2.71 (in docked mode), all worked well. It is only when used the laptop ain un-docked mode and ran on single monitor that the problems began. They did not disappear after re-docking.
I tried the same scenario with 2.70.6 without any problems docked or undocked.
In reply to your previous question:
Windows XP Pro sp2, all latest patches. I downloaded 2.71 on 3rd April.
Just a question before going further: right-click the VDT icon in the notification area, go to "Settings" and then "Computer"; is the "Automatically add visible windows to current virtual desktop" checked or unchecked?
If unchecked, check it.
Otherwise, right-click the VDT icon in the notification area, go to "Settings" and then "R2d2 Kernel Authority", and check the "Instead of using the NT LOG, use a file with a maximum size of..." box; give 999 as file size and click Ok.
Logoff and logon and then try to produce your problem. Once this is done, go to the C:\Windows folder and send the R2d2KernelAuthority.log file to support@r2d2-software.com