Hi. I have zonealarm firewall running on my pc. when I create a new desktop, it take like 2 minutes for the properties dialog box to pop up. If I disable firewall, the dialog pops up right away. I have tried setting different setting for the vdtbx.exe but nothing seems to help... does anyone have any ideas about this?
In my experience, Zonealarm causes significant slowdowns in a number of programs. So I'm not surprised by your experience. Try using Sygate Personal Firewall instead. You will likely find that your web browser speeds up as well.
What we can say at this time is that VDT doesn't make any external call; when you create a new desktop, the VDT agent speaks with the R2d2 service using an internal named pipe.
But we will try to make some tests using Zonealarm and we will post here our suggestions. However we need a little bit time...
We just installed Zonealarm 5.5 with default settings and VDT 2.20.3 without any slow down. Can you give us more information about Zonealarm settings you're currently using?