I've experienced an odd side effect of switching desktops: upon switching desktops, the control key appears to be set in software as depressed, allowing me to just press letter keys to perform Ctrl + key actions. Once I press and unpress the control key, it no longer assumes the control key is set.
I am experiencing this issue on 2.30.x and 2.40.1.
My key shortcuts to each of 2 real desktops were: Ctrl + Windows + 1 and Ctrl + Windows + 2
*** This problem occurs even if I never use the keyboard to switch desktops but only use the mouse to switch by moving past the edge of the screen.
I've since remapped my key shortcuts to just Alt + 1 and Alt + 2 and I no longer observe this problem. The problem immediately disappeared once I set these new key shortcuts. Odd.
If it matters at all, I started experiencing this issue with a USB Kinesis Advantage keyboard.
If you have any procedures you'd like me to test to get to the root of this problem from your perspective, just let me know.
A followup: actually, I still seem to lose a keystroke to alt now being "depressed". This doesn't always happen and I haven't nailed down the sequence that causes this to manifest.
Defining hotkeys under Windows is made using a single API function called RegisterHotKey; I don't do anything else, that's why I don't understand where the problem is coming from. If this started when you installed the USB Kinesis Advantage keyboard, I think that the problem is due to this keyboard's driver.
I will check for information over the web, but do you still have the problem when you disable all hotkeys (only the default desktops has a hotkey by default)?
I've determined the cause of my problem: Hummingbird Exceed.
Without Exceed running, everything works fine. With Exceed running, if it gains focus when I switch between desktops (by keyboard or just via mouse), it then screws up the keyboard state such that the control or alt key is "depressed" -- even if it gains focus after clicking on exceed instead of a normal application.
My solution was to go into the keyboard settings and disable the "Use Keyboard Hook" setting.
I'm not sure why I didn't notice this problem before installing the USB Kinesis keyboard (I had only been using VDT for a few days) - and the keyboard is using the default windows HID driver, no special driver for the keyboard.
I think this is due to the couple Exceed and USB Kinesis Advantage keyboard; I'm using Exceed to with another keyboard without any problem. But there so many surprises with Windows