I keep getting this error in the Windows event viewer:
Unable to run a new instance of R2d2 Kernel Authority in 1 - '"C:\Program Files\R2d2 Software\R2d2 Kernel Authority\KAuthS.exe" -TSR' - Access is denied. (CreateProcessAsUser/0x0005)
I am running VDT on Windows 2000 server with SP4. Any idea of why I keep getting the above error? Thank you.
When running VDT on a multi-sessions system (Terminal Server, Windows XP with fast user switching enabled), R2d2 Kernel Authority duplicates itself when VDT is executed in a non-console session (console ID is different from 0).
First of all, I need to know which version of VDT you're using?
1) Are Terminal Services (MS TS, Citrix, ...) enabled on your server? A: Yes, but on in Administration mode. No citrix running.
2) If yes, when using VDT, do you run it from the console session (TS main session) or from another session? A: From the main console, not from a TS session.
3) Did you experience problems while using VDT on your server or is this message in event viewer the only oddness? A: VDT seems to work fine except this error being logged in the event viewer.
Please let me know if you have further questions. Thank you for your helps.