Hi, As an initial note, I have been using this product for the last 7 days and its been very nice. NVIDIA has a desktop manager but for other graphics cards its difficult to get one, this produce fills the void.
My trouble is that quick movements of the mouse causes virtual desktop switching. I am not sure if that is an intended feature that can be disabled with some switch. Can somebody please throw some light on that.
By default, desktops (virtual or not) are included in a virtual screen, and you switch from one desktop to another by moving the mouse on desktop edges.
This link does not seem to have any mouse disable information
for more information Please note that you must edit AutoRun to apply your new settings every time you log on; go there http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=38157&subForumID=78042&action=viewTopic&commentID=1159682&topicPage=0 and there http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=38157&subForumID=78042&action=viewTopic&commentID=1408717&topicPage=0 for more information
This link does not seem to have any mouse disable information
What you need is on the second page, but it is less than glaringly obvious there.
Go to Settings -) Virtual Screen ... and you will be in Virtual Screen Properties. Find the Switch area of the page, then the Mouse Switch Mode line. By default, VDT switches to the next screen on the virtual screen when the mouse pointer arrives at the edge of the current screen. There are several alternates to this behaviour.
However, your change will be effective for the current session only. To make the change permanent, either use Autorun (You will probably want to, any way.) or if you don't want to do that, go through New ... -) Creation Wizard and don't change any thing that isn't broken, but watch for the chance to change Virtual Screen settings, and make your change there.