I have been using the Virtual Desktop software for about a month now and I really like it. I have had one problem that is somewhat annoying. The virtual desktops sometimes do not reappear at login. I typically have 4 virtual desktops configured. If I look in Desktop Explorer, it appears that the 4 virtual desktops have been renamed to the same name. This has happened twice in a month now and I typically login/logout at least once a day.
Can you give me the VDT version you're currently using (if you don't use the latest one (2.70.6), download and install)?
When you say that the four desktops have been renamed to the same name, are you talking about desktops under the When a user logs on <Your computer>\<Your name> node? If yes, you can disable the Automatic update feature; right-click the When a user logs on <Your computer>\<Your name> node to display its popup menu and then uncheck the Automatic update option.
If you want me to have a look on your configuration, you can send me (support@R2d2-Software.com) you're AutoRun configuration (load the Desktops Explorer, drag'n drop you're When a user logs on <Your computer>\<Your name> node to the Scenarios node, right-click the node that is created in scenarios tree (usually called <Your name> Autorun) and save to a file; send me this file).
I am using 2.70.4. I will download the latest. BTW does the latest help performance. I have noticed a definite decrease in system performance since I installed VDT.
Concerning system performances, this is often due to multiple Windows Explorer running within a single session; each Windows Explorer runs its own set of Run and Startup programs, but some of these programs (like mouse cursors, hardware helper, ...) cannot be executed more than once and are "starving" in a dead loop. This is not a VDT issue.
Can you load the Windows task manager and tell me which program is using a lot of CPU?